Web Japanese Basic Kanji Book worksheet
Lesson 11-22


politics sei-ji
economy kei-zai
reason ri-yuu
to ask a question suru shitsu-mon - suru
to practice suru ren-shuu - suru
Shinjuku shin-juku
a market ichi-ba
downtown shita-machi
appearance,a state of affairs yoo-su
an embassy tai-shi-kan
a subway chi-ka-tetsu
a hospital byoo-in
foreign gai-koku
overseas kai-gai
an exit de-guchi
an entrance iri-guchi
one's name na-mae
brothers (and sisters) kyoo-dai
sisters shi-mai
she,girlfriend kano-jo
mother o san o-kaa-san
a roadway sha-doo
a singer ka-shu
a book store sho-ten
a fish shop sakana-ya
a hospital byoo-in
this week kon-shuu
this year ko-toshi
English ei-go
a telephone den-wa
conversation kai-wa
composition saku-bun
lunch hiru-meshi
petroleum seki-yu
a junior high school chuu-ga-kkoo
a watch to-kei

Since Feb/97
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