Web Japanese Basic Kanji Book worksheet Lesson 44

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1) kura-beru
1) hi
1) compare
1) ---
1) kaku
1) contrast
1) (so-ru)
1) han
1) opposite 2) anti - 3) reserve
1) ---
1) tai 2) tsui
1) counter- 2) against
1) ---
1) san
1) approve

1) tomo
1) kyoo
1) common 2) together
1) nao-ru 2) nao-su 3) tada-chi
1) choku
1) direct 2) just 3) straight
1) arawa-su 2) omote
1) hyoo
1) surface 2) appear 3) table
1) arawa-reru 2) arawa-su
1) gen
1) appearance 2) presence
1) haji-me 2) hatsu
1) sho
1) begin 2) first


to express su arawa su
to compare suru hi-kaku suru
to oppose suru han-tai suru
to agree suru san-sei suru
direct choku-setsu
to announce suru ha-ppyoo suru
cash gen-kin
interesting i omo-shiro i
the first steps sho-ho

Since Feb/97
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